Computer paragraph for Hsc and Ssc. paragraph on computer for class 6, 7 ,8 ,9 and 10.
Computer paragraph for HSC
Computers are an amazing invention of modern science. That is a sophisticated electronic device contains countless ingredients. There are now two types of computers.
They are desktop and laptop. The desktop is more common and popular than the more expensive laptop. Any computer has two components. They are hardware and software.
The mechanical and electronic components are called Hardware Software refers to the programmers or editors we use to achieve our goals.
The computer consists of five main components – the input unit, the memory unit, the control unit, the arithmetic logic unit and the output unit.
The memory unit, the control unit and the arithmetic logic unit include the central processing unit.
However, every computer has its own “operating language” command language. This language may vary from machine to machine.
However, the computer, these days, is inseparable from our daily lives. This modern machine is used in almost every field of human activity. Scientists use it to carry out research activities.
Doctors used it for diagnosis. Computer use has revolutionized the entire banking system. Even this machine is used in the field of education and agriculture.
Computers are now contributing to the development of health and the development of new skills in science and technology.
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paragraph on computer for class 6 and 7
Question: Write a paragraph on ‘Computer’ by answering the following questions.

Ans: Computer is the wonderful invention of modern science. Charles Babbage is known as the father of the computer.
Computer can do various jobs. It becomes the store house of information if it is connected with the internet.
Today we use computer in every sphere of our life. We use computers in education. Books, journals and various kinds of information are available in computers.
Printing and publishing has been easier because of computer. Today’s bank cannot be imagined without a computer.
Scientists use computers in their research. So the computer is not a luxury in today’s world.
Rather, it is a need like a pen or a pencil to the students. So, the use of computer is increasing more and more.
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