dialogue your aim in life

A dialogue between two friends about aim in life

A dialogue between two friends about aim in life for class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Dialogue about your future plan of life for class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Aim in life dialogue for class 6 and 7

Suppose, you are Afrin and you have a friend named Kajol. Your Friend wants to

know about your future plan of life.

Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend about your future plan of life.

Ans: A dialogue between Afrin (myself) and Kajol (my friend) about my future plan of life:

Kajol : Hi, Afrin. Do you have a plan for your future?

Afrin : Yes, of course. Every man has his plan with future. Similarly I also have my own plan.

Kajol : What’s that?

Afrin : I like to be a doctor in future. So, I’ll take science group as my course of study.

Kajol : Have you decided the subjects?

Afrin: Yes, of course. I’ll take Biology as my compulsory subject and Computer Science as my optional subject

Kajol : Why have you decided to be a doctor?

Afrin: Because I believe that a doctor can serve the suffering humanity best.

Kajol : I appreciate your plan.

Afrin : Thanks. Well, what’s your futue plan?

Kajol : Oh, mine is quite different from yours. I want to be a teacher.Afrin : That’s great. I believe it to be the noblest profession.

Kajol : Thank you very much.

Afrin : Thank you, too.

Read: How to Develop skills in English language dialogue for class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

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