tourism-paragraph for class

Tourism paragraph

tourism paragraph, paragraph about the importance of tourism, tourism paragraph for hsc and ssc.

Tourism paragraph for HSC and SSC

The concept of tourism has become a common problem and is still a new concept of a country like Bangladesh. Tourism is a means of communication between travelers and locals.

The definition of tourism comes from one place away from a common place to stay for a while. This movement will not be associated with revenue activities in the area you are visiting. T

oday tourism is the norm. Since when and how the tourism process started to emerge no one can say. The people of Mesopotamia began to travel first. Every day it spreads all over the world.

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Tourism is needed for many things. It can be treated as a tool for peace and dialogue between civilizations. Men want to have fun and have fun by seeing the amazing sights and places of history. Apart from these guests a lucrative business.

The country can benefit from foreign exchange. God-given natural resources and man-made historical sites are the most fascinating.

Land, rivers, mountains, forests can give one heavenly beauty. The sea, the sand, the snow, the sun, the land, the sight, the objects of the main purpose.

The visitor wants to enjoy the unique and unique beauty of the world. He wants to spend his free time seeing the different worlds and their glory.

We have great potential for tourism development in Bangladesh. We can make Bangladesh a wonderful country for tourists.

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